Monday, August 22, 2011

An A-peeling Mask

I've always liked peel away masks. The make me feel like I'm actually doing something to my face. The slather on and wash away ones can make my face feel really good, but the peel ones, make me feel like my face is cleaner than clean.

Before I got married, I did a facial day once a week for about 6 months. I would wash an exfoliate my face, put on one of three different masks I had at the time, steam if I felt ambitious, and then slather a good moisturizer on top. It was fun, and I think my face was the better for it.

Now, I just don't really have the time to do it once a week...or almost at all for that matter. When my little mister goes to bed it's high time to get other things, like maybe dishes or a shower, done! It's rare indeed that I can make it a facial DAY. That being said, I do sometimes have a few minutes before my shower, where I can whip up a simple chemical free peel off mask!

Here's what I do:

grab a packet of knox gelatin

put it in a little dish

add about a tablespoon and a half of milk (or water, or juice from a tomato [as opposed to bottled tomato juice])

mix it together quickly

pop the mix in the microwave for about 10 seconds

spread the mix all over your face evenly. (make sure it's a little thick – if its too thin, you will have the HARDEST time getting it off)

wait for about 10 minutes

peel it all off!

It's not that hard now, is it? The difference between the different liquids you could put with the gelatin are as follows : milk is for dryer skin, water for oilier, and tomato for acne prone. Simple.

I try to do this about every two weeks, but lately it has been more when I remember. A word of warning – don't let it sit for too long. You will feel like you are peeling off your face instead of just the mask. I would also avoid getting any in your hair, as it is really hard to get out.

Hope you have fun with this!

Let me know how it goes



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