Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Reason to Care

Why do I care about natural living? It is because of the effects on myself, my family, and those around me.

Perhaps one huge reason is that I would like to meet my great-grandchildren some day. I was reading about GMOs again today. Apparently, the test subjects who were eating many of the different GMOs available to us today, were sterile by the third generation. That is a little shocking, is it not?

We are essentially eating ourselves to death. This is just eating. Imagine the layers of damage we could do through cosmetics and environmental factors. Scary.

I am not saying we put ourselves in to a bubble and shun the world. Piggy-backing on my last post, though, I want you to overcome ignorance.

Talk about what you are eating, or not eating, and why. Spread the word!  A friend of mine started a blog called the Social Eater. In one of her last posts she talks about how we vote every time we go shopping. We vote with our dollars. Every cent you spend on GMOs or conventional products fuels the supply and demand and the industry will never change. It's sounds too easy and far too hard at the same time, doesn't it?  What can one person do? As far as I am concerned, a whole stinkin' lot.

Personally, I can feed my family better. That's 4 people who are now healthier. I can also educate my kids as they grow, so they, in turn, can make healthy choices. That could trickle down to their friends wanting to know why my kids have fresh fruit for a snack instead of gummy "fruit" snacks. ....Which could then lead to talking to their parents....and so on.

Honestly, it isn't really about keeping myself from getting cancer or prolonging my life, though I'm not opposed to that. One of my biggest reason for changing our lifestyle is my kids, their kids, and my great-grandkids. I would love to meet them, pray with them, and love them.

What's your reason?


the article I was reading http://www.naturalnews.com/035734_GMOs_foods_dangers.html  ....and it has it's sources at the bottom :)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I've decided I've got to start interacting with your posts more:-).
    My big reasons for the food choices I make are something along the lines of this: I believe life, the earth, and everything in it was given to us as a gift, and it's up to us to be good stewards of these lives, to live life well, to do the best we can with what we've got. I also think God's kingdom is NOW, not just in heaven, so we should be about fixing what's broken.
