Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Getting Rid of Red a DIY

It's been a while since I did a post that wasn't a rant.  I figured it's time for a DIY!

As you may have read previously, I have rosacea. It's not a fun condition. It makes me look like I'm a perpetual teenager. I would use makeup to cover it, and sometimes I do, but I'm finding it makes it much worse for days after.

I've been on a small quest to figure out how to help my skin, especially on my face, to be happy and less red. 

I've noticed I have quite a few food triggers, and I'm working on eliminating them. A few of mine are MSG, coffee, and large amounts of sugar (I think).  I've also noticed that when I actually get in all the water I want to drink in a day my face is much better.

Something else I've found that helps at least a little bit is facial massage. It's calming and helps get the blood flowing well. Besides that, it feels good!

BUT! On to the DIY. In my search on the internet for calming facials, I came across two ideas. One is that honey is a wonderful foodstuff to put on your face. It draws out impurities and moisturizes. The other is that parsley helps with inflammation and redness. Put the two together and voila, you have a redness fighting mask!

Here's what I do:

-grab two handfuls of washed and dried parsley
 - put it in a blender or food processor or whatever else that will puree it
- puree it
- take it out of the blender/whatever and put it in a clean container
- add 1/4 cup of raw honey (or the closest to raw/organic you can find)
-mix well

That's it!  Now, store it in the fridge. The coldness will also help with the redness.  To use it, scoop some out of your container and spread it evenly on your face. Leave it for at least 10 minutes, but the longer you leave it on the better. I aim for at least half an hour.

Enjoy your sweet new mask


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