Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Color Washing

I have to admit, this post might just be a soap box of mine, so if you are sensitive to forewarned.

Jesus, back when He walked the earth made the comment about white washed tombs. They look pretty on the outside, but really, they just house rotting corpses. He said not to be like that. Sounds reasonable, and it must be right  - I mean JESUS said not to do it.  (I'm digressing a little here, bear with me - what He is saying is to examine yourself. If you are just appearing as good, but have evil stored on the outside...stop it. Jesus is the only way to get that cleared up. If you have questions about how that me or leave me a comment, I would love to talk to you about it....okay, digression over)

Fast forward to today. There are a whole host of products that have been "white" washed just so you will buy them. I put white in quotations, because often it is NOT white. Often the color of choice is green, or, in the month of breast cancer awareness (aka October), pink.  It frustrates me to no end that companies are a) allowed to do this and b) that they DO!

AH! Think about it. That jar of body butter that has a pink ribbon on it...what does it have IN it?! Parabens? - those nasty little buggers that act like estrogen in your body and have been linked to breast cancer? GAH!  Instead of donating part of their profit to help cure breast cancer, wouldn't it be more beneficial for the company to take a look at their part of the problem, and possibly reformulate the product?

What about the disposable plates that are touted as green?  Does ANYONE else see the irony in that? Okay, I know that the one company makes their plates out of the otherwise unusable part of the sugar cane...but it still sits wrong with are they produced? Does the company still use huge machinery that requires tons of petrochemicals to run? Sigh.

Green and pink washing are terrible. It makes you feel good for buying whatever they are selling, doesn't it?

Anyway, please be aware as you are purchasing items from here on out. Read the labels, don't just look at the packaging. Packaging is supposed to be eye-catching and is oftentimes misleading in order for you to buy it.

Avoiding color-washing,

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. There is a great article called 'organic washing' that deals with this exact thing. Companies that are owned or operated by Monsanto or Dean foods, selling organic products. The list is long and surprising. We have to be careful how we shop and it is critical to be well informed. Thank you for this post!
