Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cleaner Air

As I'm typing this I'm often glancing up to see my Christmas tree.  It actually helped me recall that I said I would write a post about air cleaning plants. 

I've read quite a few different articles and blog posts on the subject, and don't think I can do much better.  What I will do, is put a link to my favourite one, and let you take it from there.

I also just wanted to let you know what my Hubby and I did.

We got a cutting of a spider plant from my mother-in-law and propagated it in a glass of water until there were a few hardy roots that we could put in a lovely planter.

We also revived a money (or jade) tree that we had accidentally mostly killed.  My Husband took a chance and took the one leaf that still looked healthy and put it on a plat of water. Within three weeks, roots sprouted! Now, a few months later, we have quite the little plant again!

Another thing I do is regularly dust of the leaves with just water when I'm watering the plants, or with a damp cloth if the plants don't need a good soaking.  Dusting the plants helps them absorb the chemicals that you want to rid your air of.

If you don't want to read any other articles or posts about plants: my brief advice: buy ivy and take care of it, and you'll have easier to breathe air!

Something I've wanted to do for a long time, but haven't because of the cost and our being in constant transition  is buying an air purifier.  When I was little we had two in our house.  Apparently, I and my mother had horrible dust allergies. While I don't suffer from the allergies anymore, I do remember how much better I felt when those machines were running.  I'm sure that they've improved in the last 15 years, too.   Maybe when we're in a house for more than two years I'll get one.

Oh, before I forget, here's my favourite house plant article : click here

Hope this helps you find some great plants for your house!

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