Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's been a while

So, it's been a while since I had the wherewithal to post.

My family and I have been traveling for the last few weeks, and are now just getting back in to the swing of things.

I just wanted to share a few things we did on the road to keep some of our toxic free living alive.

 - we brought some liquid castile soap with us and bought some pump foamers to use at the house we were staying, as well as the living arrangements we had for the classes we were in

- we brought our hair soap and conditioner along

- carried water bottles with us everywhere, so we didn't have to buy or use single use plastic water bottles

- I bought new mineral foundation at a health food store (because I lost mine, we think at a hotel)

-found an awesome store that sold organic conscience items - I got some Scotch nail polish that I've been on the look out for almost forever...(I'll write a post on in in a little while), we got some organic cashews with cacao nibs.  They had some awesome stuff I wanted to get my son, like organic paint powder that you just add water to in order to finger paint (or with a paint brush) and things like that.  If anyone is ever in Jordan Village in Ontario, go to the Amazing Day store!

- when we had to buy groceries, we made sure to make them as health/organic conscience as possible

 We were not perfect by any means.  We definitely are feeling the detox from eating much that was processed/preprepared. It's not bad, but our digestive tracks are not happy with us.   On the other hand, we did enjoy some foods that we have not had on our plates for close to two years. 

Well, this wasn't a grand post, I'm working on thinking through the next few, so I hope you have a marvelous pre-fall day!


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