Friday, April 13, 2012

Changing it Up

Few things get me really riled up.  However, when I do get upset...I get quite upset. I want things to change, people to change, policies to change, etc.

How do we do it, though? How do we get things to change when all seems hopeless?

Our first line of defense, or offense, is prayer. Next, I think, would be for yourself to do or stop doing whatever it is that you feel needs to change. After that, tell people about it. Start small. Word of mouth can be powerful. I also find that being educated in fact instead of in theory or anecdote also helps things along.

There are so many other things that can be done. We can write letters to MLAs or MPPs or even MPs (For my non-Canadian friends, that is Members of the Legislative Assembly, Members of Provincial Parliament, and Members of Parliament).

We can take surveys when people call. We can take online surveys. We can do the shopping survey things.

The issue I am currently frustrated with is the FDA not banning BPA in food packaging.  Seriously?! They basically said that there isn't enough proof that the dangerous stuff leaches in to the food it surrounds.  I am baffled at how they could come to that conclusion.  If it isn't safe for baby bottles (where the formula is only in the plastic for a hour at best), how is it safe for soup, beans, or other things that sit there for months?!  Is it really that hard to see that is would be harmful?  My goodness.

Okay, so what do we do to change this?  We need to mess up the conventional supply and demand. If there is no need or want for the BPA lined canned food, then they will stop supplying it (at least theoretically), right?  SO!  STOP buying it!  Buy your beans dry.  Soak them overnight and boil them.  Make your own soups - or use soups that are in glass jars or come in tetrapacks. Use fresh veggies or even frozen ones. Don't drink things from a can....drink more water. 

It could be easy. The more people who do it, the more effective we can be. Spread the word. Use glass not plastic! Use glass not BPA lined cans!

Think critically about what your food comes in!!!


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