Thursday, July 14, 2011

Confessions of a Shampoo-Aholic

Since about mid-high school, I have been a shampoo-aholic. I admit it. Sometimes even with great pride, I admit it. My shower was lined with at least four different kinds and even brands of shampoo and conditioner at all time. Even when I travelled I took at least two different kinds with me. I used almost anything, as long as it said moisturizing. I hated having the feeling of dry hair. I used a hair mask once a week, and almost cried when my usual brand stopped making theirs. It was a sad state of affairs.

My husband, one year as we were working on the budget, asked me how much we would spend in hair care. I said something like 60 or 70 dollars. By the end of that year, I am ashamed to say, we spent close to triple that amount! How is that even possible, I asked myself. I had only gotten my hair cut twice that year! (which, okay went over that budget anyways) I looked in my shower. Oh. That's why. I had even chipped in to the shampoo stash that I had with birthday money! (birthday money in our house covers everything from my hobbies to things that Hubby and I don't enjoy together, like pedicures or a book, or anything, really)

It was insane. When we made our last move and hubby was making quite a bit less than before, I resolved to get both cheaper and less shampoos. It was tough, and I fudged around a little bit. In the end, I ended up with two bulk shampoo and conditioners and one smaller nicer shampoo set. I always ordered samples when I could too, so I had a plethora of choices still (all paraben-free, of course!)

Rewind three months from now. I was stumbling on the internet (via when I came across about three articles in a row about going shampoo free. Shampoo FREE?! Why on earth would anyone willingly give up shampoo?! Wouldn't you stink? Wouldn't your hair go into a limp mop? I was intrigued to say the least.

I read this post - and it had some good info about what is in the majority of shampoos, be they paraben free or not!

I also read and laughed my way through it, and the subsequent posts from the same lady. After her results post, I was more than intrigued, I was considering doing it!

Me?! Going shampoo free? My husband thought I was joking. He also thought it was a good idea. I made up my first batch of baking soda/ water mixture and apple cider vinegar/water mixture and took it up to the shower.

I scrubbed my scalp and rinsed it. It seemed funny not having lather of any kind, but my hair felt clean and conditioned. When it dried it was nice and soft and nothing really seemed different.

A few days passed, and my routine of one day just rinsing my hair and the next day cleaning my hair was established. As many of the articles will tell you, there is a transition period where your scalp needs to get used to not being stripped of its natural oils and being suffocated by the unnatural ones you add on through conditioner. My transition period didn't start until about two weeks. My hair became so dry it felt like straw. My dear husband said he could never feel the difference, but I sure could.

I have to admit, I hated it. I was tempted to go back and use my lovely smelling shampoos and get my lustrous locks back. I held out, probably out of sheer stubbornness more than anything else.

I'm glad I did. After about a week and a half after the beginning of the transition period, my hair transformed into what it is now – as perfect as I have ever seen it!

I kid you not. It is shiny, soft, and perfect! I can style it easily (though I stink at doing anything other than a simple braid or ponytail). AND! I don't stink at all!

The only drawback I can admit to is that I miss the lather and smell of conventional shampoos and conditioners. I could remedy in the smell department by adding essential oils, but I have found it's really not that big of a deal.

I'm not going to explain the ins and outs of what I do in this post, I'll save it for later. I will, though, ask you to consider lowering your toxic burden by going shampoo free.

Have a great weekend!



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