Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Toxicity and Goals

What is Toxicity? defines toxicity as:

–noun, plural -ties.

the quality, relative degree, or specific degree of being toxic or poisonous

And toxic means acting as or having the effect of a poison (again, from

There are many things in our lives that are toxic. In the previous post, I was taking about parabens which are additives to different cosmetics or lotions. That is merely one kind of toxic thing I am talking about.

For instance, there are toxic relationships, toxic chemicals, toxic habits, and the list could go on and on. When I started thinking about blogging I really thought I would stick to talking about how I have started the journey of freeing myself and my family from the toxic burden on our bodies from chemicals. I continued to think about this after my first post, and realized it would be a very short blog. I wanted to do something a little more ambitious.

That brings me to today. I felt that I needed to set out some goals as to what I would write about besides the chemical toxicity in our lives. The goals I've come up with so far are very vague and more to help me sleep at night, as I tend to over think things over and over and over and just not sleep.

SO! Here's what I'm thinking: I would like to do a post a week about where I and my family are in ridding ourselves of physical toxicity, whether that be a new recipe that I'm trying or tips I follow, or whatever have you. Then, I would like to post once a week about spiritual toxicity and how to rely on God to continually purify us. And perhaps, every other week or so talk about some other thing that is poisonous in our lives and how to reduce our consumption of it.

I have no idea if I will be able to keep up with this or not as life tends to get in my way far too often, but I sure would like to try.

I hope that you are ready to come on this developing journey with me!



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